Zenoh API Reference

module zenoh


Initialize the logger used by the Rust implementation of this API.

Once initialized, you can configure the logs displayed by the API using the RUST_LOG environment variable. For instance, start python with the debug logs available:

$ RUST_LOG=debug python

More details on the RUST_LOG configuration on https://docs.rs/env_logger/latest/env_logger


class zenoh.Config
static from_file(filename: str)

Reads the configuration from a file. The file’s extension must be json, json5 or yaml.

static from_json5(json: str)

Reads the configuration from a JSON5 string.

JSON5 is a superset of JSON, so any JSON string is a valid input for this function.

static from_obj(obj)

Reads the configuration from obj as if it was a JSON file.

get_json(path: str) → str

Returns the part of the configuration at path, in a JSON-serialized form.

insert_json5(path: str, value: str) → str

Inserts the provided value (read from JSON) at the given path in the configuration.


class zenoh.CongestionControl

Defines the network’s behaviour regarding a message when heavily congested.

static BLOCK() → zenoh.enums.CongestionControl

Prevents the message from being dropped at all cost. In the face of heavy congestion on a part of the network, this could result in your publisher node blocking.

static DROP() → zenoh.enums.CongestionControl

Allows the message to be dropped if all buffers are full.


class zenoh.Encoding
static APP_CUSTOM() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_FLOAT() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_INTEGER() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_JSON() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_OCTET_STREAM() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_PROPERTIES() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_SQL() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_XHTML_XML() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_XML() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static APP_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static EMPTY() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static IMAGE_GIF() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static IMAGE_JPEG() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static IMAGE_PNG() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_CSS() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_CSV() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_HTML() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_JAVASCRIPT() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_JSON() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_PLAIN() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
static TEXT_XML() → zenoh.enums.Encoding
append(s: str)
static from_str(s: str) → zenoh.enums.Encoding


class zenoh.Hello

Represents a single Zenoh node discovered through scouting.


The locators through which this node may be adressed.


The node’s type, returning either None, ‘peer’, ‘router’, or ‘client’.


The node’s Zenoh UUID.


class zenoh.KeyExpr

Zenoh’s address space is designed around keys which serve as the names of ressources.

Keys are slash-separated lists of non-empty UTF8 strings. They may not contain the following characters: $*#?.

Zenoh’s operations are executed on key expressions, a small language that allows the definition of sets of keys via the use of wildcards: - * is the single-chunk wildcard, and will match any chunk: “a//c” will match “a/b/c”, “a/hello/c”, etc… - `**` is the 0 or more chunks wildcard: “a/*/c” matches “a/c”, “a/b/c”, “a/b/hello/c”… - $* is the subchunk wildcard, it will match any amount of non-/ characters: “a/b$*” matches “a/b”, “a/because”, “a/blue”… but not “a/c” nor “a/blue/c”

To allow for better performance and gain the property that two key expressions define the same set if and only if they are the same string, the rules of canon form are mandatory for a key expression to be propagated by a Zenoh network: - **/** may not exist, as it could always be replaced by the shorter **, - **/* may not exist, and must be written as its equivalent */** instead, - $* may not exist alone in a chunk, as it must be written * instead.

The KeyExpr.autocanonize constructor exists to correct eventual infrigements of the canonization rules.

A KeyExpr is a string that has been validated to be a valid Key Expression.

static autocanonize(expr: str) → zenoh.keyexpr.KeyExpr

This alternative constructor for key expressions will attempt to canonize the passed expression before checking if it is valid.

Raises a zenoh.ZError exception if expr is not a valid key expression.

includes(other: zenoh.keyexpr.KeyExpr) → bool

This method returns True if all of the keys defined by other also belong to the set defined by self.

intersects(other: zenoh.keyexpr.KeyExpr) → bool

This method returns True if there exists at least one key that belongs to both sets defined by self and other.

undeclare(session: Session)

Undeclares a key expression previously declared on the session.


class zenoh.ZenohId

A Zenoh UUID


class zenoh.Priority

The priority of a sending operation.

They are ordered à la Linux priority: Priority.REAL_TIME() < Priority.INTERACTIVE_HIGH() < Priority.INTERACTIVE_LOW() < Priority.DATA() < Priority.BACKGROUND()

static BACKGROUND() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static DATA() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static DATA_HIGH() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static DATA_LOW() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static INTERACTIVE_HIGH() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static INTERACTIVE_LOW() → zenoh.enums.Priority
static REAL_TIME() → zenoh.enums.Priority


class zenoh.Query
decode_parameters() → Dict[str, str]

Decodes the value selector into a dictionary.

Raises a ZError if duplicate keys are found, as they might otherwise be used for HTTP Parameter Pollution like attacks.


The query’s targeted key expression


The query’s value selector. If you’d rather not bother with parsing it yourself, use self.decode_parameters() instead.

reply(sample: zenoh.value.Sample)

Allows you to reply to a query. You may send any amount of replies to a single query, including 0.


The query’s selector as a whole.


The query’s value.

This API is currently marked as unstable: the Zenoh team may change it in future releases.


class zenoh.Queryable(inner: _Queryable, receiver)

A handle to a queryable.

Its main purpose is to keep the queryable active as long as it exists.

When constructed through Session.declare_queryable(session, keyexpr, handler), it exposes handler’s receiver through self.receiver.


Stops the queryable.


class zenoh.QueryConsolidation


class zenoh.QueryTarget


class zenoh.Reliability

Used by subscribers to inform the network of the reliability it wishes to obtain.

static BEST_EFFORT() → zenoh.enums.CongestionControl

Informs the network that dropping some messages is acceptable

static RELIABLE() → zenoh.enums.CongestionControl

Informs the network that this subscriber wishes for all publications to reliably reach it.

Note that if a publisher puts a sample with the CongestionControl.DROP() option, this reliability requirement may be infringed to prevent slow readers from blocking the network.


class zenoh.Reply

The reply’s error value.

Raises a ZError if the self is actually an ok reply.


The reply’s inner data sample.

Raises a ZError if the self is actually an err reply.


The reply’s sender’s id.


class zenoh.Sample

A KeyExpr-Value pair, annotated with the kind (PUT or DELETE) of publication used to emit it and a timestamp.


A shortcut to self.value.encoding


The sample’s key expression


The sample’s kind


A shortcut to self.value.payload


The sample’s timestamp. May be None.


The sample’s value


class zenoh.SampleKind

Similar to an HTTP METHOD: only PUT and DELETE are currently supported.

static DELETE() → zenoh.enums.SampleKind
static PUT() → zenoh.enums.SampleKind


class zenoh.Selector

A selector is the combination of a [Key Expression](crate::prelude::KeyExpr), which defines the set of keys that are relevant to an operation, and a parameters, a set of key-value pairs with a few uses: * specifying arguments to a queryable, allowing the passing of Remote Procedure Call parameters * filtering by value, * filtering by metadata, such as the timestamp of a value,

When in string form, selectors look a lot like a URI, with similar semantics: * the key_expr before the first ? must be a valid key expression. * the parameters after the first ? should be encoded like the query section of a URL:

  • key-value pairs are separated by &,
  • the key and value are separated by the first =,
  • in the absence of =, the value is considered to be the empty string,
  • both key and value should use percent-encoding to escape characters,
  • defining a value for the same key twice is considered undefined behavior.

Zenoh intends to standardize the usage of a set of keys. To avoid conflicting with RPC parameters, the Zenoh team has settled on reserving the set of keys that start with non-alphanumeric characters.

This document will summarize the standardized keys for which Zenoh provides helpers to facilitate coherent behavior for some operations.

Queryable implementers are encouraged to prefer these standardized keys when implementing their associated features, and to prefix their own keys to avoid having conflicting keys with other queryables.

Here are the currently standardized keys for Zenoh: * _time: used to express interest in only values dated within a certain time range, values for

this key must be readable by the [Zenoh Time DSL](zenoh_util::time_range::TimeRange) for the value to be considered valid.
  • _filter: TBD Zenoh intends to provide helper tools to allow the value associated with this key to be treated as a predicate that the value should fulfill before being returned. A DSL will be designed by the Zenoh team to express these predicates.
decode_parameters() → Dict[str, str]

Decodes the value selector part of the selector.

Raises a ZError if some keys were duplicated: duplicated keys are considered undefined behaviour, but we encourage you to refuse to process incoming messages with duplicated keys, as they might be attempting to use HTTP Parameter Pollution like exploits.


The key expression part of the selector.


The value selector part of the selector.


The value selector part of the selector.


class zenoh.Session

A Zenoh Session, the core interraction point with a Zenoh network.


Closes the Session

config() → zenoh.config.Config

Returns a configuration object that can be used to alter the session’s configuration at runtime.

Note that in Python specifically, the config you passed to the session becomes the result of this function if you passed one, letting you keep using it.

declare_keyexpr(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str]) → zenoh.keyexpr.KeyExpr

Informs Zenoh that you intend to use the provided Key Expression repeatedly.

This function returns an optimized representation of the passed keyexpr.

declare_publisher(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], priority: zenoh.enums.Priority = None, congestion_control: zenoh.enums.CongestionControl = None)

Declares a publisher, which you may use to send values repeatedly onto a same key expression.

declare_pull_subscriber(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], handler: Union[zenoh.closures.IHandler[zenoh.value.Sample, typing.Any, typing.Any][zenoh.value.Sample, Any, Any], zenoh.closures.IClosure[zenoh.value.Sample, typing.Any][zenoh.value.Sample, Any], Tuple[zenoh.closures.IClosure, Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any], Callable[[], None], Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any], Callable[[], None]], Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any]], reliability: zenoh.enums.Reliability = None) → zenoh.session.PullSubscriber

Declares a pull-mode subscriber, which will receive a single published sample with a key expression intersecting keyexpr any time its pull method is called.

These samples are passed to the handler’s closure as instances of the Sample class.

The handler’s receiver is returned as the receiver field of the return value.

declare_queryable(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], handler: Union[zenoh.closures.IHandler[zenoh.queryable.Query, typing.Any, typing.Any][zenoh.queryable.Query, Any, Any], zenoh.closures.IClosure[zenoh.queryable.Query, typing.Any][zenoh.queryable.Query, Any], Tuple[zenoh.closures.IClosure, Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.queryable.Query], Any], Callable[[], None], Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.queryable.Query], Any], Callable[[], None]], Callable[[zenoh.queryable.Query], Any]], complete: bool = None)

Declares a queryable, which will receive queries intersecting with keyexpr.

These queries are passed to the handler as instances of the `Query`class, which lets you respond when applicatble.

The handler’s receiver is returned as the receiver field of the return value.

IMPORTANT: due to how RAII and Python work, you MUST bind this function’s return value to a variable in order for it to function as expected. This is because as soon as a value is no longer referenced in Python, that value’s destructor will run, which will undeclare your queryable, stopping it immediately.

declare_subscriber(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], handler: Union[zenoh.closures.IHandler[zenoh.value.Sample, typing.Any, typing.Any][zenoh.value.Sample, Any, Any], zenoh.closures.IClosure[zenoh.value.Sample, typing.Any][zenoh.value.Sample, Any], Tuple[zenoh.closures.IClosure, Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any], Callable[[], None], Any], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any], Callable[[], None]], Callable[[zenoh.value.Sample], Any]], reliability: zenoh.enums.Reliability = None) → zenoh.session.Subscriber

Declares a subscriber, which will receive any published sample with a key expression intersecting keyexpr.

These samples are passed to the handler’s closure as instances of the Sample class.

The handler’s receiver is returned as the receiver field of the return value.

IMPORTANT: due to how RAII and Python work, you MUST bind this function’s return value to a variable in order for it to function as expected. This is because as soon as a value is no longer referenced in Python, that value’s destructor will run, which will undeclare your subscriber, deactivating the subscription immediately.

delete(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], priority: zenoh.enums.Priority = None, congestion_control: zenoh.enums.CongestionControl = None)

Deletes a value.

get(selector: Union[Selector, _Selector, KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], handler: Union[zenoh.closures.IHandler[zenoh.value.Reply, typing.Any, ~Receiver][zenoh.value.Reply, Any, Receiver], zenoh.closures.IClosure[zenoh.value.Reply, typing.Any][zenoh.value.Reply, Any], Tuple[zenoh.closures.IClosure, Receiver], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Reply], Any], Callable[[], None], Receiver], Tuple[Callable[[zenoh.value.Reply], Any], Callable[[], None]], Callable[[zenoh.value.Reply], Any]], consolidation: zenoh.enums.QueryConsolidation = None, target: zenoh.enums.QueryTarget = None, value: Union[zenoh.value.IValue, bytes, str, int, float, object] = None) → Receiver

Emits a query.


Returns an accessor for informations about this Session

put(keyexpr: Union[KeyExpr, _KeyExpr, str], value: Union[zenoh.value.IValue, bytes, str, int, float, object], encoding=None, priority: zenoh.enums.Priority = None, congestion_control: zenoh.enums.CongestionControl = None, sample_kind: zenoh.enums.SampleKind = None)

Sends a value over Zenoh.


class zenoh.Subscriber(s: _Subscriber, receiver=None)

A handle to a subscription.

Its main purpose is to keep the subscription active as long as it exists.

When constructed through Session.declare_subscriber(session, keyexpr, handler), it exposes handler’s receiver through self.receiver.


Undeclares the subscription


class zenoh.PullSubscriber(s: _PullSubscriber, receiver=None)

A handle to a pull subscription.

Its main purpose is to keep the subscription active as long as it exists.

When constructed through Session.declare_pull_subscriber(session, keyexpr, handler), it exposes handler’s receiver through self.receiver.

Calling self.pull() will prompt the Zenoh network to send a new sample when available.


Prompts the Zenoh network to send a new sample if available. Note that this sample will not be returned by this function, but provided to the handler’s callback.


Undeclares the subscription


class zenoh.Publisher(p: _Publisher)

Use Publisher`s (constructed with `Session.declare_publisher) when you want to send values often for the same key expression, as declaring them informs Zenoh that this is you intent, and optimizations will be set up to do so.


An optimised version of `session.delete(self.key_expr)


This Publisher’s key expression

put(value: Union[zenoh.value.IValue, bytes, str, int, float, object], encoding: zenoh.enums.Encoding = None)

An optimised version of `session.put(self.key_expr, value, encoding=encoding)


Stops the publisher.


class zenoh.Timestamp

A timestamp taken from the Zenoh HLC (Hybrid Logical Clock).

These timestamps are guaranteed to be unique, as each machine annotates its perceived time with a UUID, which is used as the least significant part of the comparison operation.


Returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch.

You shouldn’t use this for comparison though, and rely on comparison operators between members of this class.


class zenoh.Value

A Value is a pair of a binary payload, and a mime-type-like encoding string.

When constructed with encoding==None, the encoding will be selected depending on the payload’s type.


class zenoh.Info(session: _Session)
peers_zid() → List[zenoh.value.ZenohId]

Returns the neighbooring peers’ identifiers

routers_zid() → List[zenoh.value.ZenohId]

Returns the neighbooring routers’ identifiers

zid() → zenoh.value.ZenohId

Returns this Zenoh Session’s identifier